Supporting Governance in Healthcare Through Process Mining: A Case Study
Healthcare organizations are under increasing pressure to improve productivity, gain competitive advantage and reduce costs. In many cases, despite management already gained some kind of qualitative intuition about inefficiencies and possible bottlenecks related to the enactment of patients’ careflows, it does not have the right tools to extract knowledge from available data and make decisions based on a quantitative analysis.
To tackle this issue, starting from a real case study conducted in San Carlo di Nancy hospital in Rome (Italy), this article presents the results of a process mining project in the healthcare domain.
Process mining techniques are here used to infer meaningful knowledge about the patient careflows from raw event logs consisting of clinical data stored by the hospital information systems.
These event logs are analyzed using the ProM framework from three different perspectives: the control flow perspective, the organizational perspective and the performance perspective. The results on the proposed case study show that process mining provided useful insights for the governance of the hospital.
In particular, we were able to provide answers to the management of the hospital concerning the value of last investments, and the temporal distribution of abandonments from emergency room and exams without reservation.